Mattie’s Peace Foundation is exploring and fostering compassion through familiar programs and resources, and with new partnerships with organizations – like the Muhammad Ali Center – where the Compassion Index is being studied and the Compassion Pledge is ready for signing.
“A Time for Compassion” – our 2025 theme – emphasizes the importance of compassion as an everyday truth and essential characteristic of peace. From exploring differences between empathy and compassion, to practicing compassion as a habit, to overcoming challenges to compassion – we aim to inspire and inform individuals and communities about the important matter of embracing compassion as a choice that benefits present and future generations.
Mattie’s Peace Foundation is exploring and fostering compassion through familiar programs and resources, and with new partnerships with organizations – like the Muhammad Ali Center – where the Compassion Index is being studied and the Compassion Pledge is ready for signing.
“A Time for Compassion” – our 2025 theme – emphasizes the importance of compassion as an everyday truth and essential characteristic of peace. From exploring differences between empathy and compassion, to practicing compassion as a habit, to overcoming challenges to compassion – we aim to inspire and inform individuals and communities about the important matter of embracing compassion as a choice that benefits present and future generations.
Mattie, born with a rare, incurable medical condition, was much like any other kid — he enjoyed games, hanging with friends, and hobbies like rock collecting and reading. He was also a gifted writer, offering choices to “cultivate pathways to peace” through his seven bestselling Heartsongs poetry and peace essays.
Despite struggles related to disability, being bullied, and witnessing close friends perish in the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Mattie celebrated life for almost 14 years on Earth. He knew that conflict and challenges would always exist, but still believed that hope is real peace is possible.
— Mattie J.T. Stepanek
Mattie reminds us that peace does not begin with the end of war, but within each of us — when our basic needs are met and we can be “okay” with who and how we are as a person. Peace grows as we compassionately care for others, ensuring their well-being and fostering harmony within and among individuals and communities.
Mattie encourages us to seek purpose within — and to celebrate our “reason for being.” Our purpose grows as we make peace with others through purposeful habits and actions, and as we bring peace to others — even people who are different from us, or with whom we disagree.
Mattie celebrated life despite his challenges, believing that play rejuvenates the spirit. Getting to know our neighbors through conversation and recreation creates mutual networks of understanding, which can support us in some inevitable future storm. We don’t have to agree with others to be with others in kind and supportive ways.
Mattie’s message of “peace, purpose, and play” is as relevant today as it was when he wrote his first books. The Surgeon General has stated that we are going through an epidemic of loneliness and Mattie’s message can help us through that.
Learning about his message has helped me come to find my own purpose in life and although I may only be one, my gift in life is fun, which may seem trivial to some but because of his words, I know that every time I share my laughter with others, I am continuing his legacy and spreading his message.
Larissa Johnson
Founder, Formula for Fun
Public Speaker & Educator
Jeni — Mama Peace — and the Foundation bring a sense of purpose, a commitment to peace, and a reminder to play!
Jillian Copeland
Founder, Main Street Connect
“A movement of inclusion”
The Foundation’s focus on “PEACE PURPOSE PLAY” signals and reminds us that we need to balance our days, weeks and years. We need all three P’s to achieve quietness, reflect on our personal goals, and celebrate with joy. Peace, Purpose, Play is LIFE.
Jenn Lynn
Executive Director,
Upcounty Community Resources
Mattie’s message of “peace, purpose, and play” is as relevant today as it was when he wrote his first books. The Surgeon General has stated that we are going through an epidemic of loneliness and Mattie’s message can help us through that.
Learning about his message has helped me come to find my own purpose in life and although I may only be one, my gift in life is fun, which may seem trivial to some but because of his words, I know that every time I share my laughter with others, I am continuing his legacy and spreading his message.
Larissa Johnson
Founder, Formula for Fun
Public Speaker & Educator
Jeni — Mama Peace — and the Foundation bring a sense of purpose, a commitment to peace, and a reminder to play!
Jillian Copeland
Founder, Main Street Connect
“A movement of inclusion”
The Foundation’s focus on “PEACE PURPOSE PLAY” signals and reminds us that we need to balance our days, weeks and years. We need all three P’s to achieve quietness, reflect on our personal goals, and celebrate with joy. Peace, Purpose, Play is LIFE.
Jenn Lynn
We continue Mattie’s mission of promoting well-being and a deeper understanding of peace at personal, local, and global levels. We support youth and adults in exploring peace as personal and community choices, in finding personal and collective purpose, and in connecting with others through conversation and play.
We help people understand, practice, and promote peace through inspiration, information, and interaction with others. Our Pathways2Peace™ and Peace Certification™ programs engage local and global participants with both in-person activities like Peace Day, Mama Peace Chats, and Community Mosaics and virtual events like webinars, Peace Trees, For Our World Campaign, and Heartsongs contests.
We use donations, grants, and sponsorships to create easy to understand resources, to facilitate programs and activities, to host in-person and virtual events, and to mentor global youth and adults — at little or no cost to participants. View our donate page to learn more.
Star reviews of our programs, workshops, and Peace Certification
“Mattie will always be one of the brightest lights to ever grace our stage and the planet… Mattie was, is, a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher, who dared to play after every storm.”
Oprah Winfrey
Talk Show Host, Television Producer, Actress, Author, & Media Proprietor
“Mattie’s legacy is alive and well at Pangborn Elementary School every day. His message of ‘peace is possible’ is one that we strongly believe in and share with our students daily as a part of who we are and who we strive to be. Now more than ever, our world needs to hear Mattie’s message.”
Dr. Raegon Clutz
Principal, Pangborn Elementary
“The day we became Peace Certified by Mattie’s Foundation is a day our retirement community celebrated not a vision, but a realization. We celebrated the conviction – a child’s conviction and an honorable human aspiration – that in spite of history’s endless stream of evidence to the contrary, “peace IS possible” through the collective willed creativity of friends, and friends of friends, and outright strangers.”
Richard Thayer
Chaplain, Ingleside at King Farm
“I’ve had a partnership with the amazing Mama Peace for about 10 years. Each year resulted in a beautiful class book as a tribute to inspirational Mattie and ended with a touching virtual Peace Chat to celebrate my students becoming proud authors! These connections have been the highlight of my career and it means the world to have the support of the Foundation by being awarded Peace Certification!”
Tilsim Newman
Pangborn Elementary School Teacher
“Mattie will always be one of the brightest lights to ever grace our stage and the planet… Mattie was, is, a poet, a peacemaker, and a philosopher, who dared to play after every storm.”
Oprah Winfrey
Talk Show Host, Television Producer, Actress, Author, & Media Proprietor
“Mattie’s legacy is alive and well at Pangborn Elementary School every day. His message of ‘peace is possible’ is one that we strongly believe in and share with our students daily as a part of who we are and who we strive to be. Now more than ever, our world needs to hear Mattie’s message.”
Dr. Raegon Clutz
Principal, Pangborn Elementary
“The day we became Peace Certified by Mattie’s Foundation is a day our retirement community celebrated not a vision, but a realization. We celebrated the conviction – a child’s conviction and an honorable human aspiration – that in spite of history’s endless stream of evidence to the contrary, “peace IS possible” through the collective willed creativity of friends, and friends of friends, and outright strangers.”
Richard Thayer
Chaplain, Ingleside at King Farm
“I’ve had a partnership with the amazing Mama Peace for about 10 years. Each year resulted in a beautiful class book as a tribute to inspirational Mattie and ended with a touching virtual Peace Chat to celebrate my students becoming proud authors! These connections have been the highlight of my career and it means the world to have the support of the Foundation by being awarded Peace Certification!”
Tilsim Newman
Pangborn Elementary School Teacher
Our programs and activities support you in better understanding and choosing peace – within, with others, with our world – through education, conversation, and fun.
Our tips and tools for families, educators, and leaders help guide you in role modeling and teaching peace to children and adults in simple, creative, and purposeful ways.
Our Peace Certification program offers a more hands-on experience with our organization, as we mentor individuals and groups on personalized journeys of peace.
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Coffee with Mama Peace, webinars, and more.
In 2025, Mattie’s Peace Foundation celebrates our 20-year anniversary! We’re planning some exciting activities and collaborating with our #Partners4Peace on both in-person and online events that amplify the year’s theme.
Ask questions (audio or text) about Mattie, peace, or our world. There are also clickable links for learning more about specific topics or current news and events.
From classrooms and offices to taverns to healthcare settings, we‘ve helped guide others on their peace journeys. We’re here to help. Contact us today.
+1 (202) 888-MJTS (6587)
© 2024 Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation. All Rights Reserved.