Board of Directors

Executive Team

Dr. Jeni Stepanek, "Mama Peace"
President & Founding Chair
Memory Curator, Purpose Connector, Peace Cultivator
Maryland, USA
About Dr. Jeni Stepanek
As an educator, author, and keynote speaker, I’ve fused academic training with personal experiences to offer insights that help others cope with challenges and celebrate life. For many years, my focus was on raising four children with complex medical conditions that led to early deaths. I made a promise to my youngest, Mattie, before his passing, vowing to carry forth his message of hope and peace. But in exploring his writings and reflecting on our conversations, I discovered personal healing and newfound hope for our world.
From this journey emerged the Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation, initially a local initiative to honor Mattie’s legacy by building a park and sharing his wisdom. Over time, it has evolved into a globally recognized organization promoting values like kindness, acceptance, and gratitude—uniting individuals and diverse communities in a shared commitment to peace.
Our work transcends mere remembrance; it celebrates the vibrant spirit of a child who lived. He reminds us about timeless and universal matters such as Heartsongs, hope, peace, purpose, and play for generations to come.

Simon Cohen
Co-Vice President
Peace Activist, Messenger of Hope, Keynote Speaker
Cornwall, United Kingdom
About Simon Cohen
There are too many people in this world who believe in their core that they do not matter, that they are not worthy of love. These beliefs often manifest as hate, bigotry, and violence – between families, communities, and nations. The Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation continues the life and legacy of a boy who believed in his heart that all of us matter. When we all go through our daily life believing in our own and each other’s Heartsongs, and living with peace, purpose, and play, then there is no space for hate. This is why the Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation matters – because it provides the inspiration and education to make this reality happen.
My purpose as a member of the Board is to spread messages of hope. Mama Peace, Mattie’s mom, is the most hope-filled, purposeful person I have ever met. The opportunity to be in service to her and Mattie’s message, their daily choices towards peace, purpose, and play, is one of the greatest privileges of my life.

Stacey L. MacKinnon, PhD
Co-Vice President
Professor, Department of Psychology,
University of Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island, Canada
About Stacey L. MacKinnon, PhD
From the individual heart to the global stage, our world needs communities where resilience is practiced and choosing peace is the goal for all…the Mattie Stepanek Peace Foundation is that community.
I joined the Peace Foundation 15 years ago when my daughter was born. I realized that I wanted a more peace-fueled world for her and that my own act of choosing peace on a daily basis was the place to start. Now as a Board member I am working toward helping others “choose peace” and “remember to play after every storm.”

Jim "JJ" Jackson
Retired Firefighter, Very Busy Father & Husband
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
About Jim “JJ” Jackson
With so much going on in the world today, and much of it challenging, we need to remind ourselves of what it takes to remain positive – peace, love, and hope. Mattie’s Peace Foundation is based on these important matters – truths that Mattie tried so hard to convey to the world during his time with us.
The Foundation matters to me at a personal level because I not only believed in Mattie as a friend, I also believed in his message for all of us. Supporting the Foundation is a way for me to do my part to continue his legacy, and trying to spread peace, love, and hope – as best I can.

Khouloud Ayuti
Non-profit Manager
Jaffa, Israel
About Khouloud Ayuti
I was introduced to Mattie and his concepts of Heartsongs and “Just Peace” book back in 2008, during my teenage years, when I was selected for a program mentoring global teen leaders engaged in peace projects. The program’s annual summit, centered around Mattie’s final book, emphasized his vision of individuals as diverse gifts forming a “mosaic of humanity.” Through Mama Peace Chat sessions, we learned that addressing basic needs is integral to peace, requiring understanding of ourselves and our neighbors rather than assumptions. We grasped that peace is more than a project, and that our purpose and choices matter.
As I matured, my studies in social and political sciences propelled me into roles managing peacebuilding and education programs, as well as content development and program implementation. Serving on the Board of Directors for Mattie’s Peace Foundation allows me to carry forward Mattie’s message, extending his teachings to future generations of global citizens. My aspiration is for children and leaders alike to embrace peace not as a task, but as a mindset and way of life.

Timothy Bellavia
Associate Professor, Touro University
New York, USA
About Timothy Bellavia
I’m Timothy Bellavia, a children’s author, fabric artist, and educator. My passion lies in using dolls and puppets to spread messages of peace, acceptance, and understanding – particularly for young audiences.
My journey began as an aspiring fashion designer, but my path shifted towards the power of arts education. I created the “We Are All the Same Inside®” initiative – which includes a children’s book series and the accompanying Sage doll. This program celebrates our shared humanity despite outward differences.
I’m not just an artist; I’m an educator at heart. I’ve served as an Assistant Professor and continue working with organizations like Sesame Workshop and the Herbie Hancock Institute of Jazz. I am excited to share my creativity, education, and deep respect for understanding and tending to the needs of all people with Mattie’s Foundation.
Serving on the Board of Directors allows me to contribute my skills and experience to a cause I deeply believe in. Mattie’s story and the Foundation’s mission resonate deeply with my work. Together, we can leverage the power of poetry, art, and education to create a more peaceful and accepting world for future generations.

Noah Striker
Undergraduate Student,
University of Prince Edward Island
Prince Edward Island, Canada
About Noah Striker
Hi, I’m Noah, based in beautiful Prince Edward Island, Canada. Cultivating peace has been a lifelong goal of mine, inspiring my career aspirations as a clinical
psychologist and fueling my passion for volunteering and community engagement. Currently, I serve as a research assistant at the University of Prince Edward Island’s Psychology Department, lead the university’s Campus Life Advisor program, and actively volunteer in several initiatives including UPEI’s New Student Orientation.
I first learned about Mattie Stepanek and the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation during my fourth-year Psychology of Good & Evil seminar with Dr. Stacey MacKinnon at the UPEI in the fall of 2023. As a class, we read Mattie’s book, “Just Peace: A Message of Hope,” and worked towards becoming Peace Certified through collaborative Peace Projects with a fantastic group of young students from NewGate Montessori School’s Global Campus.
My vision for peace centers on uniting people – a commitment I’ve embraced since I was nine, starting with my role on my elementary school’s student leadership team. As a Director of the Mattie J.T. Stepanek Foundation, I bring over a decade of experience
working with youth, a drive to find new innovative solutions, psychology scholarship, extensive event planning and management experience, as well as student-focused advertising expertise.
Echoing Mattie’s words, I firmly believe that “peace is possible” – a reality we can achieve through collective effort and shared vision.
Board of Ambassadors

Thank you to you our Ambassadors who help us promote the mission of Mattie’s Peace Foundation with shared time, talent, or treasure.
Sai Abd
New York, USA
Global Civil Servant
(Peace Certified)
Jimmy Alexander
Washington, DC
TV/Radio Journalist
Khouloud Ayuti
Jaffa, Israel
Non-profit leader & former
Mattie’s Foundation Director
Trianna Louise Beckwith
Maryland, USA
Jann Carl
United States
Television Host
Jimmy Carter
Georgia, USA
Late US President &
Nobel Peace Prize Recipient
Christopher Cross
California, USA
Amanda Cubbage
Virginia, USA
Military & Firefighter
Chris Cuomo
New York, USA
News Journalist
Jimmy Danyko
New York, USA
Retired Firefighter
Omékongo Dibinga
Maryland, USA
Author & Professor & former
Mattie’s Foundation Director
Eric Falkenstein
Connecticut, USA
Theatre Production
Billy Gilman
Rhode Island, USA
David Godoy
Maryland, USA
Young Adult Self-Advocate
Tiffany Griar
Maryland, USA
Young Adult Self-Advocate
Stephanie Goldklang
New York, USA
Andrew Gordon
Maryland, USA
Photographer & former
Mattie’s Foundation President
Robin Gray
Mississauga, Canada
Laura Becker Gultekin
Michigan, USA
Nurse & Professor
Suzy & Kim Haug
Maryland, USA
Education & Theater
Ron & Helen Hemelgarn
Michigan, USA
Business Owners
Max Jones
Berlin, Germany
Global Young Adult Leader
(Peace Certified)
Ireland MacKinnon
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
Youth Representative
(Peace Certified)
Robert MacKinnon
Charlottetown, PEI, Canada
Account Manager
Gene Malone III
New York, USA
Michael Mangone
New Jersey, USA
Retired Educator
(Peace Certified School)
Tommy McFly
Washington, DC
TV/Radio Journalist
Faith McLuckie
Washington, DC
Young Adult Self-Advocate
Christopher Meyers
Illinois, USA
Historic Preservationist
Jerome Nash
California, USA & Italy
Historic Preservation
Tilsim Newman
Maryland, USA
(Peace Certified School)
Bridget Newton
Maryland, USA
Former Mayor of Rockville
Veronica Pepe
California, USA
Don Pintabona
New York, USA
Chef & Author
Nile Rodgers & Nancy Hunt
New York, USA
Music legend & Founders of the
We Are Family Foundation
Alba Romero
California, USA
(Peace Certified Classrooms)
Shelley Rusk
North Carolina, USA
Physical Therapist
Joe Palermino
South Carolina, USA
Business Owner, Lakeside Dweller,
former Mattie’s Foundation Director
LeAnne Smith
Plains, Georgia, USA
Retired Educator, former
Mattie’s Foundation Director &
Niece of Rosalynn Carter
Hemant Sharma
Washington, DC
Diane Tresca
Rhode Island, USA
Retired Educator & Counselor
Jackie Zamora
Maryland, USA
Founder of ZamDance Inc.