Reflecting on 2020: Mattie’s Message of Hope and Peace for the Future

“If we, today, are the history of tomorrow, ask ourselves each day what we are doing that may have an influence on the future. It really won’t be for many years that we will know if something we said or did had an impact on a single individual, or if it trickled out to touch a whole world.”

– Mattie J.T. Stepanek  (Fortunes, Prayers, and Quotes by Mattie© #168)

I am often asked “What would Mattie think… or say… or do…” about an event or condition or reality in our world today. This inquiry has been frequent during this past year, and especially now in December, as we edge into both calendric and symbolic “what next?” moments.


The year 2020 will surely be one that is noted in history books and blogs across time. So many people in so many places across so many months are facing so many challenges, and so many losses, and so many changes and unknowns and limitations and shifts and even shatterings – in just about every aspect of what we knew as our “normal.”


For some, the “before 2020 normal” was blessed with options and routines and niftier realities that made life pleasurable, and perhaps, unremarkable.


For some, the “before 2020 normal” was burdened with opinions and risks and nastier realities that made life painful, and perhaps, unconscionable.


For most, the “2020 new normal” has – without option and regardless of opinion – brought us together in a world of forced-pause and heroic-frontline realities. In this #StayAtHome and #MaskUp and #SixFeetApart world of social distancing and screen fatigue, we have grappled individually and collectively with an abundance of viral and social and economic crises and disparities and challenges that have made daily news reports generally dismal, and formerly taken-for-granted conveniences and connections (like toilet paper and in-person toasts) treasured resources and taboo’d clinks.


Ironically, for many, in this year that is so darkened by medical and economic pandemics, there has also been reason (or perhaps a lack of distractions or busy’ness, or an overdue interruption to what has been taken-for-granted and permitted as the status quo), and age-old systemic and social pandemics are coming to light in a totally remarkable and conscious-raising way.


There are many versions in global books and blogs, but a now-popular quote offers a powerful and insightful truth for 2020

“We are all in the same storm, but we are not all in the same boat.”


I believe Mattie would have truly appreciated this quote, and made it part of some “attitude to action” items on his daily To Do and ever-matters To Be lists.


It somehow touches on his metaphorical vision of humanity as a mosaic of diverse gifts.


It is consistent with his understanding of history, and of his realization that by chance and by choice, this global mosaic has been (and is being) shattered – even in a world filled with generally and genuinely good people.


It echoes St. Paul’s “many parts, one body” biblical imagery which influenced Mattie’s heart and mind and spirit, and it even seems a bit connected to Mattie’s personal philosophy for life – “Remember to play after every storm!”


Mattie loved words. He said words are powerful gifts, and equally powerful weapons. He was a prolific reader and writer. He kept lists of worthy quotes by others, and he also created his own personal collection of “500 Fortunes, Prayers, and Quotes by Mattie” – little wisps and whispers of information and inspiration which he offered as reminders or rejuvenators about the things that matter… or that should matter.


So, he likely would have printed this one storm, different boats quote, and pinned it to his bulletin board alongside many (many, many) other memorable memos and worthy wonders.


And, being Mattie, he likely would have then immersed himself in gathering more information and truths about others – his neighbors around the block and around the world, and about our wonderful and worthy world – including the lesson-laden storms of history and the diversely rich-or-ruined boats that have purposely sailed or powerlessly drifted (or pandemonious’ly rift’ed) the beings of humanity through so many realities, and into each today – which was, once upon a time, the future of our yesterdays and yesteryears.


And then, he likely would have engaged in conversation, or recorded a journal entry, or penned some passage or poem – shaping words into a message of hope and peace – which was his Heartsong and purpose in life… because that is who and how Mattie was as a person, and is as a spiritual essence among us.


Somehow, he would neither deny nor ignore reality, but face each storm with courage, choosing calm and confidence, and strengthened with hope, even amid the clouds and puddles of history.


Somehow, he would have creatively and compellingly considered the downpours and downfalls of ongoing realities, and helped us recognize or strategize affordable and achievable options for ensuring that nautical vessels and navigational tools are available and accessible to each and to all, and that they meet the universal basic needs of each hand, and of each unique heart.


Somehow, he would have reminded us each, and all, that we matter, and that we are essential treasures in the mosaic of humanity, and that while we can’t choose our feelings or all the facts of the local or global news, we can choose our attitudes, and we can purposefully cultivate habits and participate in actions that ripple outward and onward – touching the uncharted waters of the future with goodness, and peace.


Mattie would have reflected on the remnants of what was – gathering each and all of the shining and shattered bits of truth, and tending to the blessed and burdened realities of what is…


He would have responded with the gentle-strength of kindness and compassion – nurturing bright or broken mosaic bits with purpose, and shifting perspectives and shaping what next…


And, he would have reached out – into and across time and space, and similarities and differences – in an effort to bridge the past and the future and the people in the present moment – motivating us to make choices that cultivate a future deep with ever-matters and To Be Lists, and guided by desirable and achievable and sustainable #Pathways2Peace.


Mattie reminds us that “we, today, are the history of tomorrow.” Whether our thoughts and words and actions touch one or touch many, we do – in fact and indeed and in essence – make a difference to someone, somehow, in some space and time. Regardless of the dismal or desirable vessel we move through life in, we are navigating the same storms and realities, and we can make choices that become lifelines for ourselves and for other folks, and truths for the future.




This is how I believe my son, Mattie J.T. Stepanek – the late teen poet, peacemaker, and philosopher who played – would have accepted 2020 and readied himself to move forthward and even embrace a new year.


And yes – this is how I am choosing to #JustShowUp – with purpose for peace, in 2021.


And, yes – this is how we each, and all, can individually and collectively be a part of shaping the future, which will oh-so-soon become the historic pages of 2020, and of every today.


#MattieMatters. #YouMatter. #IMatter. #WeMatter.


“We have, we are, a mosaic of gifts, to nurture, to offer, to accept.” (-Mattie)




Let’s each, and all, consider 2020 – a historic year with many burdens, and yet, not without conscious-shifting and remarkable blessings – and commit to cultivating a “new-New Normal” as we move forthward into 2021, and beyond.


Let’s each, and all, choose to put peace on the pages of our daily and ever-matters To Do and To Be lists, and celebrate the gifts that we have and that we are – for one and for many – and for any moment and every year.


Let’s each, and all, remember, and take notice, and celebrate, that

#HopeIsReal & #PeaceIsPossible & #LifeIsWorthy and let’s

“Raise a glass or grateful hands – and connect with purpose!” & #Toast2Peace,

and to the lessons of history and the blessings of tomorrow – in each and all of our todays.


– Jeni Stepanek, PhD (Mattie’s mom / Mama Peace)

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